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News / Holidaying with Spring Hotels? Join the hotel chain in their mission to take care of the planet
Spring Hotels has pledged to adopt a series of sustainable practices that make a real difference

Even the smallest gestures can all add up to make a big difference, which is why Spring Hotels is inviting you join their "Hug the Planet" initiative, within the framework of Spring Ozone.
Through this initiative, Spring Hotels has pledged to adopt a series of sustainable practices that make a real difference.
By even the simplest of actions, such as turning off the light when you leave the room, closing the tap when you’re brushing your teeth or making sure the air conditioning is off when you don't need it, you can save precious natural resources.
All Spring Hotels properties also have accessible recycling bins: yellow for plastics and cans, blue for paper and cardboard and green for glass.
Your commitment is vital in making holidays as sustainable as possible. If you have any ideas or suggestions as to how Spring Hotels can improve in this area, please let them know by contacting sustainability@springhoteles.com.